Appointment Date (Required)
Appointment Time (Some one will get back to you to confirm time) MorningAfternoonEvening
First Name (Required)
Last Name (Required)
Phone Number (Required)
Email (Required)
Were You Referred By Someone
Project Type HouseCondoCommercial
Address (Optional)
Type Of Flooring Needed HardwoodVinylLaminateTileCarpet
If You Have Chosen Hardwood, Please Specify Construction SolidEngineered
Thickness Required? 3/4"5/8"
Species? Red OakWhite OakMapleHickoryWalnut
Texture? WirebrushedHandscrapedSmooth
Please Confirm Budget (Per Sq/Ft Cost)
Approximate Square Footage?
Approximate date flooring is required
Please send us impression photo to help us to serve you better